Our Ethos
Aspire, Challenge, Achieve
The ethos of the school is evident in our vision, our mission statement and our values.
It is summed up in our motto – Aspire, Challenge, Achieve – which holds that not only do we aspire to be exceptional in all that we do, but that we will offer the opportunities for our students to challenge themselves and be challenged in order to achieve and to find the things that make each member of our community exceptional and celebrate them.
A mark of our success as a community will be that every one of us has a sense of self-worth and can recognise and articulate our strengths.
The values, vision, mission statement and motto have been collectively written by members of the school – first outlined by the staff, then developed in consultation with the junior leadership team and governors and shared and celebrated with parents.
Our core values
As a community we:
- are ambitious;
- show courage;
- embrace challenge;
- have integrity;
- respect individuality.
Our vision
Our vision is that every student at Spalding Academy is inspired, motivated, feels a sense of personal achievement and is equipped to pursue their goals and dreams with the personal qualities of courage, respect, integrity and resilience.
Mission statement
We strive to motivate our students to aim for greatness within a supportive ‘family type’ environment based on mutual respect. We believe that each and every one of our students should be celebrated in both their achievements and in their diversity.
We are ambitious for greatness, actively pursue the total development of each individual, believing that the purpose of education is to develop confident, courageous and capable citizens who will make a positive contribution to society.
The result is that Spalding Academy is a community of learners that accepts no barriers to achievement.
Through are innovative curriculum we encourage students to ACHIEVE:
- Academic:
A curriculum that has a broad range of subjects, and is challenging, accessible and inclusive for all. - Choice:
Our students’ abilities are diverse and they have many talents. It is extremely important that we enable all to have wide-ranging positive learning experiences and maximise future opportunities. - High Standards:
Ambitious programmes of study ensure that our students achieve their potential - Intelligent Assessment:
Assessment to inform teaching and ensure continuity and progression between Key Stages, with forensic marking by teachers to supports students learning and key curriculum intervention. - Equipped:
A coherent programme of personal, health, social, careers and economic education that ensures students are exposed to the experiences and opportunities they need to succeed. - Values:
Promotion of high-quality behaviour, with students valuing equality & diversity, demonstrating mutual respect & understanding of those with different cultures, faiths and beliefs thus mirroring the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, high standards of behaviour & individual liberty. - Esteem:
Belief in and building of students’ wellbeing to develop confident, resilient and independent learners who can be proud of their achievements.